Photography Assignment 1 & 2

There are part of the Photography Course I’m currently attending in Saint John’s to demonstrate two methods for controlling exposure, Shutter and Aperture.

Slow Shutter

For half an hour I had my friend James stand still for several minutes at a time in Opera Lane. Exposure time was about two and a half seconds.

Fast Shutter

On the same day that I took the slow shutter shot above, I walked out to the Mardyke and got my timing right to spectate at a rugby match. Exposure time was 1/320 seconds.

Low Aperture ( High f-stop )

This was taken out at Lee Fields at 22 f-stops. Low Aperture is generally used for landscape photography but here I chose this particular subject because the differences between Low and High aperture were far more pronounced.

High Aperture ( Low f-stop )

…. continuing from the previous description. Exposed at 2.8 f-stops.

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One Response to Photography Assignment 1 & 2

  1. Sarah says:


    We’re looking for a photographer for a photo shoot we’d like to do for an upcoming production – could you get back to me at the above email address so we could discuss cost, etc?

    Thank you,

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